12/02/2025 - Postage V2 Feature

šŸ’Œ Postage V2 Feature

Postage configurations have been reworked introducing a number of new functionalities:

Postage Categories

  • Postage categories are now flagged as either Toggle or "non-Toggle" categories.

    • Non-Toggle categories - used for self-fulfilment and allow full customisation by the dashboard user.

    • Toggle categories - controlled by Toggle and used for Toggle fulfilment. Attached to each toggle category is a set of postage rates, these represent the cost of fulfilment for a given postage service (e.g. Royal Mail, First Class).

Postage Options

  • Postage options now allow the user to configure individual postage pricing for each number of picks up to 50 picks.

    • Postage options created with a non-Toggle parent category will allow full customisation by the dashboard user.

    • Postage options created with a Toggle parent category inherit the base postage rates attached to the category. These rates can be further customised at the postage option level, adding uplift or discounts to the individual picks. Or, a postage option can be set to "follow" the base rates, automatically adjusting the postage pricing to stay in-line with the base rates.


  • Products now require the user to configure the fulfilment type (Toggle or self), this controls the available postage options for the product.

Automatic Postage / Product Mapping

  • When enabling the Postage V2 feature all products and postage options will be automatically reconfigured to take advantage of the new functionality.

    • Any already configured Toggle fulfilment options will be replaced with the universal Toggle fulfilment categories and their associated pricing.

    • Any already configured self fulfilment options will be automatically reconfigured to have pricing for each of the 50 picks that matches the pricing of the original configuration.

    • All active products will be re-mapped to their newly configured postage options.

Last updated