26/06/2023: Maintenance

Major release

👷 Maintenance ( 📢 Breaking Change)

Authorization token header change

To facilitate a change in our server infrastructure, we have changed how we return all Authorization JWT tokens from our Graph API. Where previously Authorization and Refreshed Authorization tokens were returned in the Authorization header as part of the response, it is now returned under the X-Authorization header.

This is a breaking change

The old Authorization header will continue to be available, but will soon be subject to an end-of-life and removed from the response. New integrations should use the new X-Authorization header and existing integrations should be updated accordingly before the end of life period. This affects all integrations that authorise with our Graph API.


🔧 Bug fixes

Champions page descriptions

The descriptions on the Toggle Champions pages were displaying monetery values to one decimal place. These now display to two decimal places.

🧑‍💻Tom F

Last updated